Artinya Maho

On 08/06/2010, in Uncategorized, by admin
Posted (binsar) in article, experience on February-28-2008

Ada sebuah posting menarik di yang memposting salah satu post blog ini tentang Kisah Cinta Laura dan Maho. Mereka tidak membahas tentang kisah Cinta Laura dan Maho yang rumit itu, melainkan mencoba meraba-raba arti kata “Maho”. This is fascinating karena aku adalah orang yang sangat sering menggunakan kata “Maho!” (pengucapannya harus seperti kalo kita mau bilang “Shut Up!) dalam kosa kataku hahaha.

Forum ini kemudian mencoba membahas arti kata Maho, mulai dari MAnusia HOmo, MAlaysia HOkki, atau MAlingsia HOmo, atau MAnusia begHO. Ga’ jelas siapa yang memulainya, tapi yang pasti semuanya salah tangkap. Kalau begitu apa sebenarnya arti kata MAHO? Aku akan menjelaskan apa sebenarnya arti kata ini dari sejarah kata ini mulai digunakan.

Istilah “Maho” dipopulerkan di kampus STT Jakarta mulai tahun 1999-2000, ketika banyak mahasiswa yang berasal dari Sumatera Utara mulai berbicara bahasa Batak di kantin (sebagian besar bertujuan untuk melatih bahasa Batak mereka yang tertatih-tatih). Lalu mahasiswa suku lain yang mendengarnya bisa menangkap kata “Maho” yang sering terucap. Ketika ditanya, “kalian ngomong apa sih, gw ga ngerti?”, aku menjawab, “ga ngerti MAHO!”. Anehnya tanpa mengerti apa kata MAHO, dia menjawab, “Lo tuh yang MAHO!”

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Posted by binsar on 08 Dec 2007 at 12:04 pm | Tagged as: Article, Experience, Opinion

I’ve told you the story of my experience of working in Restaurant Selecta, now I’m going to give you a bit of analysis on the difference of woking culture in that restaurant. I’m going to use Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner theory on their book, Riding The Waves of Culture: Understanding Cultural Diversity in Global Business. This analysis was done in cooperation with Sally Siregar.

This restaurant is owned by a Dutch nationality, Chinese Indonesian by birth. The children of the owner are also working and even managing the restaurant. They are born as Dutch and have Dutch education, and know well what Dutch culture is. The working environment is a bit mix of two different poles in Trompenaar’s tools. Sometimes the working culture is even intertwined between the two sides. This makes the analysis on the restaurant working culture becomes interesting.

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Posted by binsar on 04 Dec 2007 at 04:56 pm | Tagged as: About Me, Experience, Reflection

There is little chance that you will find a Batak (a tribe in North Sumatera, Indonesia – me too) anywhere in the world, partying and hanging around with friends during new year’s eve. I can hardly remember when was the last time I have fun with friends during new year’s eve. Probably never.

We have an unwritten tradition, for every Christian Batak, to gather with family during the change of the year. Gathering with family does not mean your own nuclear family, this means gathering with your extended family. We will have a small prayer and reading the bible together exactly at the 00.00 o’clock. During the small prayer, we will have a chance to say something – some words – could be words of appreciation of what had happened or apologizing for the things that went wrong during the previous year. All of the family members usually have their turns to say what they want to say. Then we will, in turn, apologize each other for what had happened the previous year. The idea is to start the new year with a fresh heart and a prayer. Then afterwards we will commit the first sin of the year, drinking and poker gambling hahaha…. (just kidding).

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Vacation Blues

On 08/06/2010, in Uncategorized, by admin

Posted by binsar on 09 Jan 2008 at 01:50 pm | Tagged as: Article, Experience

Have you ever being away from your home town and had good times with really nice people? It could happen during your vacations, conferences, seminars, movie sets, etc, what’s important is that you are away for some good amount of time, let say for 5-7 days or more, and then something happened. You were with people that you cherished and really had good times with them. You felt like you were entering your comfort zone and never want to leave again but then it hit you that you do have to leave all that behind and heading home. After that particular event, you spent much time to look at the pictures, finding more informations about the people who were there, listening to the songs that brings back the memories, reading and sending emails to people, having hard times to sleep, feeling less motivation to live your daily lives. The symptoms might sound like you have fallen in love again, but it is not necessarily be love or something like that, but still it feels like it. That is, my friends, what I called “vacation blues”.

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On Life And Death

On 08/06/2010, in Uncategorized, by admin

Posted by binsar on 22 Jun 2007 at 03:56 am | Tagged as: Experience, Reflection

I just got back from Lampung yesterday to give my last condolence and respect to a congregation member who passed away last saturday. The 6 hours travel worth a lovely funeral of a great person, a loving mom, a daughter, a grandchildren, a friend, a lovely person. She had been struggling with her cancer for 4 years and finally God gave her the best she could ever ask, to be by God’s side. Even on the last moment of her life, she faced it with a joyous heart praising the Lord. As many people admit in their last words on her funeral, she is an example of God’s grace until the moment of her death. She left 3 children that I hope will be a great person too like what their mother was.

It is interesting for me to found out that I always spent a lot of energy on these grieve occasions. I felt dried out and tired, not because I’m driving back and forth but more because of the event. Sitting there, watching almost everyone wore black, gloomy faces, sad spiritual songs, crying voices, all these things really had an effect for me. This makes me question myself, why do I feel these emotions? What do I feel about life and death? ….

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Apa Itu Cinta

On 08/06/2010, in Uncategorized, by admin

Posted by binsar on 22 Jun 2007 | Tagged as: Experience, Love, Reflection

Apa yang disebut dengan cinta? Apakah kita tahu apa cinta itu? Justru ketika kita merasa tahu apa cinta itu, di saat itulah kita sebenarnya tidak mengerti. Cinta tidak bisa dijelaskan, hanya bisa dirasakan. Cinta tidak buta, namun bisa membuat orang buta. Cinta tidak dapat dipelajari, hanya dapat dialami. Kita tidak akan tahu apa itu cinta, sampai merasa sakit untuk kehilangannya. Alamilah cinta dan cinta akan membuat anda mengalaminya. Cinta membuat orang bersatu, cinta dapat pula membuat orang berpisah.

Kadang-kadang, cinta bisa jadi sangat membingungkan. Terkadang kita ingin terus bersama dengan orang yang kita cintai. Ingin bersama, lepas dari orang lain yang ada di sekitar kita. Tetapi, hidup membuat kita tidak bisa mengesampingkan mereka yang selama ini ada di sekitar kita. Justru pertemuan dengan mereka dapat membuat cinta belajar. Persimpangan kehidupan dapat memperkokoh atau melemahkan cinta.

Jaring-jaring kehidupan yang membentuk dua sosok yang berbeda dapat mempertemukan mereka dalam sebuah kisah cinta. Tidak jarang, kisah cinta tersebut harus mengoyakkan diri, bukan karena jaring mereka tidak bisa menyatu, melainkan karena perbedaan dari lingkungan di mana mereka berdiri. Cinta tidak selamanya bisa bersatu. Cinta bisa dirasakan, namun bukan untuk dimiliki.

Kisah cinta yang dirajut di atas dasar yang kokoh, akan menjadi ikatan abadi. Namun, ada kalanya ikatan abadi itu harus memutuskan diri karena jarum, benang, dan sulaman yang dipakai akan roboh apabila rajutan tersebut tak terpisahkan lagi. Perbedaan yang dimiliki dua anak manusia membuat cinta hanya untuk dirasakan tetapi bukan untuk dimiliki.

Di saat seperti ini, lagunya John Lennon sepertinya sangat masuk akal. ‘Imagine there’s no heaven, and no religion too. Imagine there’s no country … imagine if you could…’ perbedaan yang tidak begitu besar namun mendasar… membuat cinta harus mengalah. Sanggupkah dua anak manusia yang saling mencinta untuk melepaskan kisahnya demi menjaga tembok-tembok yang ada di sekitarnya untuk tidak runtuh? Apa yang terjadi dengan percintaan yang ditentang oleh semua orang? Apakah yang terjadi dengan cinta? Kata siapa cinta bisa mengalahkan segalanya?

Sekarang, cinta harus mengalah demi cinta yang lain. Kenapa kepentingan orang banyak harus selalu didahulukan? Kenapa prinsip utilitarian harus mengalahkan intuisionis? Apakah kepentingan orang banyak harus membuat cinta mengalah? Kalau begitu apa sebenarnya cinta itu? Apakah cinta hanya dirasakan oleh dua insan yang merasakannya, atau mereka harus merelakan cintanya demi cinta-cinta lain yang ada di sekeliling mereka, yang membuat mereka harus kehilangan cintanya? Kenapa cinta bisa berbuat seperti itu? Apakah memang ada cinta yang tak boleh memiliki, dan ada cinta yang berakhir dengan bahagia selamanya? Kenapa cinta bisa seperti itu? Siapa yang mengontrol cinta? Siapa yang boleh menentukan cinta mana yang boleh berakhir bahagia dan mana yang tidak? Kenapa mereka diijinkan mengalami cinta kalau mereka memang tidak akan memilikinya? Kenapa?

– binsar, medio desember 2005 –

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On Life And Death

On 08/06/2010, in Uncategorized, by admin

Posted by binsar on 22 Jun 2007 at 03:56 am | Tagged as: Experience, Reflection

I just got back from Lampung yesterday to give my last condolence and respect to a congregation member who passed away last saturday. The 6 hours travel worth a lovely funeral of a great person, a loving mom, a daughter, a grandchildren, a friend, a lovely person. She had been struggling with her cancer for 4 years and finally God gave her the best she could ever ask, to be by God’s side. Even on the last moment of her life, she faced it with a joyous heart praising the Lord. As many people admit in their last words on her funeral, she is an example of God’s grace until the moment of her death. She left 3 children that I hope will be a great person too like what their mother was.

It is interesting for me to found out that I always spent a lot of energy on these grieve occasions. I felt dried out and tired, not because I’m driving back and forth but more because of the event. Sitting there, watching almost everyone wore black, gloomy faces, sad spiritual songs, crying voices, all these things really had an effect for me. This makes me question myself, why do I feel these emotions? What do I feel about life and death? ….

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