Teologi, Teolog, Dan Stt Jakarta

On 08/06/2010, in Uncategorized, by admin
Posted (binsar) in Opinion, Theology on February-13-2008
Dalam perbincangan dengan rekan mahasiswa ketika masih kuliah dulu, mereka mengeluh karena menjadi semakin jarang beribadah semenjak masuk STT Jakarta. Hati mereka menjadi guncang ketika sepertinya harus menentukan apakah mereka akan menjadi teolog atau pendeta. Entah pilihan ini sedang jadi trend atau bukan, kebimbangan ini dirasakan justru sesudah masuk STT. “Toh, STT Jakarta kan berfungsi melahirkan teolog, bukan pendeta” katanya. Sepertinya STT Jakarta berfungsi mencetak pemikir-pemikir tangguh dalam bidang teologi (baca: teolog), dan gerejalah yang mencetak pendeta. Pameo yang berkembang kemudian adalah, kita bisa belajar teologi tanpa mengimaninya. Teologi adalah ilmu, jadi kita tidak perlu menjadi seorang yang percaya untuk dapat mempelajarinya. Pertanyaan utamanya adalah apakah teologi dan iman bisa dipisahkan? Apakah seorang bisa menjadi teolog tanpa mengimaninya? Ini adalah sebuah perdebatan sepanjang masa yang masih hangat sampai saat ini.

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Posted (binsar) in Article, Love, Opinion on February-17-2008

What is it?

Kuch Kuch Hota Hai “Pyaar dosti he, Love is friendship.” This is Rahul Khanna’s philosophy on love. He thinks that if one can’t be his best friend then he can’t be in love with her. He says, “Without friendship there’s no love.”

Those were some lines taken from the movie Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (KKHH). I was enchanted by this movie since the first time I saw it. Since then, I’ve seen the movie for like 20 times, and I just saw it again tonight. The movie was a best hit in 1998 in India and grabbed 8 awards in Filmfare Festival, some of which are best movie, best actor, and best actress. It made Rs. 500,000,000 (US$ 12,600,000) in India alone.

What is so interesting about this movie? I think the movie has a deep philosophical exploration on what love is all about. I was deeply moved by the movie. At first I thought I was just being crazy about those silly Bollywood movies who have typical characteristics. First, they always say their important words in english, like: “I love you”, “go away”, “i dont think so”, “will you marry me”, “you’re beautiful”, etc. Second, in a single movie, you will get views of other cities in Europe, such as London, Geneva, Brussel, etc. Third, no matter how remote they went, they always have other singers and dancers in matching clothes with them singing out of nowhere. Oh, and one more thing, there will always trees in a Bollywood movie, followed by either crying or singing.

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Becanda Sih Becanda, Tapi…?

On 08/06/2010, in Uncategorized, by admin
Posted (binsar) in Article, Opinion on February-28-2008

A: “Uh, bau apa nih? Lo ga pake parfum ya?” (sambil mencium lengan bajunya dan juga baju si B)

B: “Ah, pake ah! Enak aja lo!”

A: “Makanya, lo harus ganti parfumnya! Baunya ga enak!” (sambil ketawa kenceng)

Kalian pasti pikir B sudah mati langkah! Tapi cerita berjalan terus!

B: (ga mau kalah) “Ah, mungkin itu bau karena mulut lo terlalu dekat dengan hidung lo!”

Kalau Michael Kelso akan bilang, “Buuuuuurn!”

‘         Yaps, becanda dan ceng-cengan adalah hal yang normal di kalangan anak muda. Bagi anak-anak tongkrongan, tiada hari dilalui tanpa ngecenging teman. Kadang-kadang di dalam satu kelompok selalu ada anak yang menjadi bahan celaan. Saling mencela dapat membuat hari-hari lebih ceria, dan bisa membuat kita tertawa juga. Bahkan, sebuah kelompok tidak akan dianggap lengkap tanpa kegiatan saling mencela.

‘         Entah kenapa kegiatan saling mencela ini adalah sebuah kegiatan populer yang sudah dianggap jamak di mana-mana. Menghina teman dengan hinaan yang paling tepat buat mereka, dan membuat orang lain memihak dan menganggap celaan kita tersebut cocok dengan situasi orang tersebut, dianggap sesuatu yang lucu. Ada beberapa acara televisi yang dibuat khusus untuk memfasilitasi orang saling menghina seperti Yo Mama yang didekasikan khusus untuk menghina kaum ibu. Ini adalah kabar baik buat kamu yang punya karakter sinis dan suka menghina orang lain hahaha!

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Posted (binsar) in Article, Christianity, Opinion on February-9-2008

This cover of Tempo Magazine edition 4-10 February 2008 depicts the late former president Soeharto having dinner with his six children in the same composition as Da Vinci’s painting. Apparently there’s a Angkatan Muda Pemuda Kristen (The Alliance of Christian Students and Youths) group that did not agree with the intention of the magazine. They thought that the cover is a blasphemous act against Christian symbols that was originally potrayed by Leonardo da Vinci in this Last Supper picture. The group demanded that Tempo shall publicly apologize and asked the Press Council to punish the magazine. Marselius Simarmata, a spokeperson for the group said, “We want the law enforcers to withdraw copies of the magazine from shelves nation-wide for hurting the Christian and Catholic communities.”

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My Opinion On Love And Life

On 08/06/2010, in Uncategorized, by admin

Posted by binsar on 13 Feb 2008 at 10:32 pm | Tagged as: Love, Opinion

This page shall be dedicated to host my opinions on life and love.

Let me start with a little story of how my opinion on how love comes grew:

  1. First I thought love will come when you are cool, can drive a car, ride a big motorbike, play one of the sports, play musical instruments, sing, and smart as well.
  2. Then I considered love as a gift. If you have one, its a gift and you should cherish it. I thought I was the object and love is the subject.
  3. Again I shifted, I was thinking about love as an agreement. If you had the agreement, you can develop your love to your partner. If the agreement fails, then love will fade away.
  4. After that I consider love as work. You should work on your love and not to take it as it is. You should work on your love to make things going. You will feel tired, bored, upset, but that’s just a small part of the package of happiness, laugh, self-improvement, and a mutual partner for yourself.
  5. Now I am still learning. I am starting to think that pure love is an unconditional love. If you can love someone or something without hoping to receive something back then you have found what true love is all about.

As you can see, my opinion on love grows. This does not mean that the later opinion is more correct than the previous ones. I started by thinking that love is something that will be given to you, now I am thinking that you should not expect something back. Its a life learn process, and I can still change in the future.

7 July 2007

I think I need to add something on that list. A friend told me that instead of building my life around the person whom I love, why don’t I build something together to the future. I could argue her opinion but I think she has a point as well. So here goes number 6.

6. Love should be built towards a new goal in life, together, without forsaking yours or hers (maybe, I’m not 100% sure).

7. I think love works in a funny way sometimes, even in a weird situation where you least expected. The most difficult things is to be able to hold back your feelings when you know that love is not possible to go on but you can’t deny your heart and still you want to have it. IT SUCKS BIG TIME!

updated 18th September 2007

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My 20 Favorite Love Songs

On 08/06/2010, in Uncategorized, by admin

Posted by binsar on 09 Dec 2007 at 02:53 pm | Tagged as: Love

Christmas is coming near and you can feel love everywhere and I thought why not put my favorite love songs here. These songs have their own reason to be on the list. They all have sweet and bitter memories. Here are my 20 all time favorite love songs:

1. Billy Joel – Just The Way You Are (click here for youtube link)

2. Basil Valdez – You (click here for youtube link)

3. Michael Buble – Everything (click here for youtube link)

4. The Beatles – I Will (click here for youtube link)

5. Max – Can’t Wait Until Tonight (click here for youtube link)

6. George Benson – Nothing Gonna Change My Love For You (click here for youtube link)

7. Daniel Sahuleka – You Make My Life So Colourful

8. Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Phantom of The Opera – All I Ask (click here for youtube link)

9. Lighthouse Family – Lost In Space (click here for youtube link)

10. Goo Goo Dolls- Iris (click here for youtube link)

11. The Beatles – Here, There and Everywhere (click here for youtube link)

12. Michael Buble and Nelly Furtado – Quando Quando Quando (click here for youtube link)

13. Stevie Wonder – Overjoyed (click here for youtube link)

14. Slank – Ku Tak Bisa (click here for youtube link)

15. Warna – Oh Ya

16. Dewa 19 – Satu Hati (click here for youtube link)

17. Gigi – Nirwana (click here for youtube link)

18. All 4 One – So Much In Love (click here for youtube link)

19. Kerispatih – Cuma Manusia (click here for youtube link)

20. Kahitna – Cerita Cinta

Most of them are cheesy… but it’s my choice people!

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Posted by binsar on 08 Dec 2007 at 12:04 pm | Tagged as: Article, Experience, Opinion

I’ve told you the story of my experience of working in Restaurant Selecta, now I’m going to give you a bit of analysis on the difference of woking culture in that restaurant. I’m going to use Fons Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner theory on their book, Riding The Waves of Culture: Understanding Cultural Diversity in Global Business. This analysis was done in cooperation with Sally Siregar.

This restaurant is owned by a Dutch nationality, Chinese Indonesian by birth. The children of the owner are also working and even managing the restaurant. They are born as Dutch and have Dutch education, and know well what Dutch culture is. The working environment is a bit mix of two different poles in Trompenaar’s tools. Sometimes the working culture is even intertwined between the two sides. This makes the analysis on the restaurant working culture becomes interesting.

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Posted by binsar on 07 Dec 2007 at 10:19 pm | Tagged as: Article, Opinion

At first I was not in to this social network thingy since I have my own real life outside, let alone I’ve already got too much on my hands with my Friendster and Blog. Since I have lots of invitations from friends who are already trapped within the network, I can’t see the harm in joining. But that started the curse on me. I was ensnared and bewildered in the confusing world of Facebook. This was exactly the thing that I’m looking for, more activities that can distract me from my important writing work.

After exploring it for some time, I was pretty much addicted. I understand now why it’s the second biggest social networking site behind Myspace.com, and why it has raised interest from Microsoft to invest $240 million for just its 1,6 percent stake. Now I can see why Facebook is even more popular than porn. You don’t believe me? I can’t believe it either until I saw this article by Bill Tancer. He is working at Hitwise where they check where people age 18-24 in the US go on the internet. It turns out that porn is not no. 1 hit. For people above 25, porn is still number one, but not for the current college generation. Social network is the first hit for people in this category, followed by search engine, web based email, and shockingly … porn stands in number four.

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Menjadi Pendeta Dan Teolog

On 08/06/2010, in Uncategorized, by admin

Posted by binsar on 02 Dec 2007 at 07:16 am | Tagged as: Christianity, Opinion

Pertama ijinkanlah saya mengucapkan selamat buat sahabat, saudara, dan kolega saya Hendra Setia Prasadja yang ditahbis ke dalam jabatan pendeta di GKI pada hari ini. Hendra adalah seorang yang selalu berbagi suka dan duka dengan saya di masa perkuliahan dulu. Bersama Henry (vikaris GPIB) dan Ray (Penatua khusus GKI), kami bahkan memberi nama yang cenderung eksklusif bagi diri kami karena kedekatan yang tidak disengaja. Karena itu saya merasa sangat senang ketika Hendra mengabarkan berita penahbisannya dan meminta saya untuk menyumbangkan sebuah tulisan untuk buku acara hari bersejarahnya ini.

Belakangan ini banyak pertanyaan yang diajukan untuk menggugat teologi STT Jakarta yang katanya ‘liberal’. Dalam perbincangan dengan rekan mahasiswa, beberapa mengeluhkan bahwa mereka menjadi semakin jarang beribadah semenjak masuk STT Jakarta. Hati mereka menjadi guncang ketika sepertinya harus menentukan apakah mereka akan menjadi teolog atau pendeta. Entah pilihan ini sedang jadi trend atau bukan, kebimbangan ini dirasakan justru sesudah masuk STT. “Toh, STT Jakarta kan berfungsi melahirkan teolog, bukan pendeta” kata teman saya ini. Sepertinya STT Jakarta berfungsi mencetak pemikir-pemikir tangguh dalam bidang teologi (baca: teolog), dan gerejalah yang mencetak pendeta.

Pameo yang berkembang kemudian sepertinya teologi dan pembelajaran menjadi pendeta adalah berbeda. Bahkan lebih jauh lagi, sekarang banyak pemikiran bahwa seseorang bisa belajar teologi agama tertentu tanpa mengimaninya. Teologi adalah ilmu, jadi kita tidak perlu menjadi seorang yang percaya untuk dapat mempelajarinya. Saya berpikir bahwa ini bisa menjadi topik yang baik untuk ditulis untuk memberikan kesadaran akan pilihan-pilihan yang ada di dalam berteologi.  Pertanyaan utamanya adalah apakah teologi dan iman bisa dipisahkan? Ini adalah sebuah perdebatan sepanjang masa yang masih hangat sampai saat ini.

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Tentang Ppi Amsterdam

On 08/06/2010, in Uncategorized, by admin
Posted (binsar) in Event, Opinion, Youth Movement on January-10-2008

(Klik di judul foto ini untuk download)  Debat-calon-ketua-ppia.jpg Debat-calon-ketua-ppia2.jpg

‘             Persatuan Pelajar Indonesia Amsterdam (PPIA) adalah organisasi pelajar Indonesia yang beranggotakan para pelajar Indonesia yang menempuh pendidikan di daerah Amsterdam dan Diemen, Belanda. Sebentar lagi akan ada pemilihan Ketua PPIA periode 2008-2009 dengan 3 orang calon: Muhammad Maulana Gibran (Gibran), Kevin Widarta Tjandrawinata (Kevin), dan Dara Rosmailina Pabbitei (Nana). Saya sendiri pernah dicalonkan jadi calon ketua, tetapi karena merasa tidak sanggup dan bertentangan dengan komitmen saya untuk fokus studi tahun ini, akhirnya saya mengundurkan diri.

‘             Saya yakin PPI Amsterdam sebenarnya punya potensi yang lebih besar dari sekedar ngumpul-ngumpul bareng melepas rasa rindu akan kampung halaman. Paling tidak saya tahu bahwa mereka yang berkesempatan untuk belajar di Amsterdam ini minimum memiliki kelebihan-kelebihan ini: lebih pintar (makanya dapat beasiswa), lebih mampu secara finansial (makanya bisa belajar ke sini), lebih memiliki keinginan untuk sukses (makanya rela merantau), lebih gigih (makanya mau berjuang), lebih beruntung (makanya terpilih dari yang lain untuk dapat datang ke sini), lebih mandiri (makanya sekarang sudah bisa masak sendiri hahaha). Nah, mereka yang sekarang ada di sini minimum memiliki satu dari kelebihan-kelebihan di atas.

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